Curiosity did not kill the cat, it helped rebirth it
I sometimes get mad at myself after a couple of hours of directionless internet surfing. Do you? It is so easy to jump from one interesting link to another. I convince myself that I was CURIOUS to learn more and that can't be all bad. Did surfing the internet lead to learning and retention? Maybe, maybe not. Research tells us that for deep learning to occur, our exploration dig has to be an effortful journey, with confusion and cognitive dissonance thrown in for good measure. That is why failure is a phenomenal teacher. The lessons of failure are rarely forgotten. We use the phrase ‘connecting the dots’ often in our daily jargon when we recognize that there was a gap in our knowledge and this latest discovery, propelled by curiosity, helped close the gap and connect the dots. An attitude and a mindset that takes us in the direction of inquiry, helps us see patterns in all kinds of situations, which is essential to distilling life’s many truths. To live and experience your b...