Now is the time to shift

Imagine you are in a work meeting and hear a question for which you may have the answer. But you choose to stay quiet because you are not 100% sure if what you know is right. You want to avoid appearing unintelligent because you believe it will reveal a weakness.

This scenario spotlights the moment when you were overpowered by your fixed mindset thinking. A person with a growth mindset leaning would have spoken up at that moment. Because what drives them is not the desire to safeguard their current slate of skills, knowledge, and talents but a hunger to expand their capabilities and reach.

We have learned from studies that mindsets can be different in different domains for the same individual. For example, a person may have a growth mindset in the kitchen when they are experimenting and cooking up new and novel dishes but on the other side of the spectrum, the same person is fearful of experimentation and expansion at work.

Mindsets are not absolute, immovable states and can be shifted with intentionality, dedicated focus, and consistent practice. Why not examine your own attitudes in growth mindset domains and borrow them during moments of self-doubt and rigidity in the weaker domains? 

The next time you are threatened by the success of others, look inwards and tell yourself that you are in the grip of a fixed-mindset moment and intentionally pivot to being inspired and motivated by their success. Learn more about their journey instead, to help aid your growth and expansion.

An individual with a strong growth-mindset disposition knows that growth is not just about hard work. Growth is not achieved with meaningless effort. Optimal performance needs:
1.    Self-awareness,
2.    An understanding of your current state and limitations,
3.    An appreciation of WHY you want to grow,
4.    A plan,
5.   An attitude to start viewing failure as part of the process of learning.

John Maxwell’s famous quote says it all “ Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” Are you ready to begin the shift to a growth mindset today?


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