Courage or Comfort - Your Choice

 What is your lack of courage costing you? I ask this question every time I have an aching sense that I have to do something, anything to propel me out of an untenable or unproductive situation.

Have you considered the cost of being stuck or frozen? Sometimes, it is a single act of courage that helps us get unstuck, but more often it is an incremental approach of daily consistent practice of courage where we take small steps outside our comfort zone. We all know that our comfort zone is the greatest threat to us living our potential. How you challenge yourself every day to push through your discomfort is essential to developing your courage muscle. A known impediment to that small step towards discomfort is that our brains are wired to discount the cost of inaction and to overestimate the probability of failure. Daniel Kahneman described Loss Aversion in detail in his book. Know that fact and fight the impulse to play safe, for example in a work meeting or in a conversation with the boss. A guarantee of a successful outcome will not be there, but if you don’t ask, the answer will always be a No.

How do you push past your comfort zone? 


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