Dump the blame game before it dumps you

 Do you blame others for your bad mood, stress levels, and lack of progress at work? Sometimes, but not always, the blame is justified. You may believe that you were deliberately sabotaged. A common instinctive human reaction will be to immerse yourself in the blame game.

It may feel good momentarily to tell others about the offender and go into a thinking loop for days. However, if you dwell on it for too long, you rob yourself of peace and happiness. Do you really want unhelpful emotions, like resentment, anger, and hatred to take over your aura and energy? The negative energy you show up with at meetings will leak, even when you want to hide it, and it will be felt by everyone. People will sense it, even on a zoom call.

None of us knowingly want to give away the power to control our narrative. The only way we regain control is to stop ruminating about the slight, sabotage, or offense. It is not easy, I know. I have been there.

A deliberate choice to snap out of my victimhood mood and look inwards has always helped me shift back to my true nature. The techniques that helped me get past negative thinking patterns were looking inwards, and diligently updating my daily gratitude journal( The Five Minute Journal - from Intelligent Change). Happiness is truly an inside job!

What do you do when you get caught up in the vortex of blame? How do you snap out of it?


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