Don't you owe it your future self?

 In honor of your bright future, plant a seed today. The path to the harvest will not be easy but know that nothing of value comes without a tradeoff or a difficult choice.

Often, we give up on our dreams because the effort to get there can feel daunting.

The days, months, and possibly years it takes to realize our dreams may feel lonely, and difficult. But, know that without those days there will be no bountiful harvest of our dreams realized.

Building daily consistent habits will get you closer, and faster to your goal. When we act on our vision in bite-sized increments, the journey feels less challenging.

Take a few minutes every day to intentionally take that one step outside your comfort zone. 

🎯You are in control. You get to choose -the pain of regret or the pain of discipline. Don't you owe it to your future self?


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